Where AI models

Where AI models keeps learning.,gets smarter.,gets cheaper.,meets evolution.

Revolutionizing AI by empowering models to learn and adapt in real time — just like people do.

We’ve worked with thousands of startups and F500.


Layer-2 LLM engine, that keeps getting better!

Our platform bridges the gaps between team members, ensuring everyone stays on the same page, no matter where they are

Model independent
Model independent

Work together simultaneously, making team efforts.

On-the-fly training
On-the-fly training

Streamline conversations, tasks, and files in one central hub.

Enhanced productivity
Enhanced productivity
With integrated tools and smart notifications, eliminate distractions and focus on what matters.

You are loosing 100% of the valuable data.

GatewayLLM is built on a foundation of trust and security. We prioritize your privacy, ensuring that all data processed through our system is handled with the utmost confidentiality and compliance with global data protection.

Own your data!

What they said about us

Adaptive Intelligence in Action

Imagine an AI that continually keeps evolving with you —ensuring it remains effective and relevant no matter how your data or business needs change. Well that’s a reality.

Real-Time Learning
Real-Time Learning
Custom Feedback Loop

Models update instantly as new data flows in, ensuring they stay relevant and effective with custom feedback loop.

Cost-Effective Innovation
Cost-Effective Innovation
Maximizing Performance

By reducing the need for expensive, periodic retraining, our solution lowers operational costs while maximizing performance.

Scalable Integration
Scalable Integration
56+ LLM Providers

Whether you’re a startup or a global enterprise, our Layer 2 solution seamlessly fits into your existing infrastructure and scales with your needs.

Future-Proof Performance
AI adapts to trends and challenges

Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving AI landscape with models that continuously adapt to changing environments.


With analytical dashboard you can keep track of your performance and discard changes that docent see fit for your use case.


Ready to evolve your AI?

Empower your team’s communication

Dive into a suite of features designed to amplify collaboration, streamline workflows, and foster innovation. With Outgrid, communication isn’t just simplified; it’s transformed.
Customized channels
Customized channels

Each channel can be trained with different use case.

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Analytical Dashboard
Analytical Dashboard

Monitor what how your AI is evolving in real-time.

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Quick Huddle
Quick Huddle

A dynamic control center for monitoring and enhancing your AI.

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Own Your Data
Own Your Data

Your data is stored on a private double encrypted server, you can easily manage from our dashboard. 

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A/B Testing of Models
A/B Testing of Models

Now run model efficiency test across all the models to gauge which models work for your the best in no time.

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Seamlessly integrate with 56+ LLM providers

Unlock boundless collaboration possibilities with Outgrid’s versatile integration capabilities. Integrate your favorite tools, ensuring your team has access to the resources they need without leaving our platform.

Transparent pricing for team of all sizes

Choose a plan that’s right for your team. With Outgrid you get premium features without the premium price tag. Grow with us, knowing you’re getting great value at every step.

Perfect for testing GatewayLLM not for production use case.


per month


Best for medium-sized businesses needing advanced features.



per month

Tailored for large organizations with custom needs.


Custom Pricing


Perfect for testing GatewayLLM not for production use case.


per year


Best for medium-sized businesses needing advanced features.



per year


Tailored for large organizations with custom needs.


Custom Pricing

Want to get "Pro" plan for free forever?

Get in touch with our sales team and they will show you how. Eligibility criteria, you need a LLM use case.